Before you buy a USB-C cable, it is necessary to check the purpose of the use


The number of smartphones and laptops, which use USB-C cables as a standard for data transfer and battery charging, is increasing, but there are differences between these types of cables. The user must therefore check Purpose of use before purchase.

The port adds that the very good USB-C cables transfer data very slowly and just 50 cm in length. If the user wants to invest a little money when buying USB-C cables, he can transfer data at a speed of up to 10 Gbps and a cable length of 100 cm. At least, the body of the plug is metal rather than plastic.

USB-C cables are available at a high cost and support Thunderbold-3. They can be used, for example, to connect laptops, tablets or smartphones to monitors.

Before you buy a USB-C cable, you must check the purpose of the use.
This news was imported before the purchase of the USB-C cable to verify the purpose of the use, from Yemen's main Arabic site.
We assume no responsibility for the content of the website before the purchase of a USB-C cable.

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