Benefits of orange peel


Events of the day – Orange is one of the most popular types of fruit. The fruit contains a high proportion of vitamins and nutrients that improve the health of the immune system and protect it from diseases and epidemics. What many people do not know is that orange peel also has its benefits because crusts contain many nutrients essential for the health of the body. Here are the highlights:

* Orange zest contains a high percentage of vitamin C and other vitamins, which contribute to the health of the immune system and the prevention of pneumonia, colds and flu.

* The orange peel contains pectin, a fiber known to regulate blood sugar levels. It is therefore useful for diabetics.

* Flakes also contain flavonoids, a substance that helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

* Orange contains a large proportion of dietary fiber that controls weight and appetite.

* The orange peel preserves the health of the digestive system and treats disorders and indigestion.

* Helps prevent tooth decay and expel bacteria and germs responsible for inflammation.

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