Berries … Small vitamins for your body


SHARJAH, March 24 (Reuters)

A bunch of berries is more than a healthy snack to stay active or colorful on the surface of sweets: whether it is raspberry, blackberry or currant, these fruits have many benefits.

According to Johannis Georg Fexler, professor, doctor and nutrition specialist in Munich: Depending on the species, berries contain different amounts of vitamins, minerals, secondary plant compounds and micronutrients.

In addition, the berries are high in dietary fiber, which helps people feel quickly satiated. Berries, especially a vitamin bomb, are considered "full of vitamin C," according to Vexler.

The red type is healthy and contains vitamins C and E, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Margaret Morlo, of the Association for Food and Nutrition, pointed out that raspberry is also wonderful, especially with regard to vitamins B and C, and that it contains a lot of vitamins. "A", among other nutrients, this vitamin is useful for the eyes and skin.

Goji and Akai berries are excellent for health because they contain many vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. They are therefore considered supernatural foods. Acai berries contribute to weight loss and aging through their antioxidants, although science is still looking into this problem. , According to Vexler.

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