Beware of your iPhone: keep these sensitive secrets on your life


Beware of your iPhone: keep these sensitive secrets on your life


Citizen – follow up

If you are an iPhone user, you have to be very careful because there is a feature to monitor very special objects, which requires revocation.

According to the British newspaper "Mirror", experts warn that Apple keeps in its smartphone a complete record of all the places you visited, as well as their frequency and frequency.

The property can identify your place of residence and work and provide you with information about your journeys and daily journeys, within a list called "Important Locations".
This property allows Apple to know where users are going, the timing and number of visits, and to determine the time of the visit, the time the user needs, and whatever the means of transportation used.

Despite Apple's claim that traffic data can not be shared with third parties and that privacy is the basis of these phones, there is a way to turn off the tracking feature. Apple.

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