Blood flu is one of the most dangerous genetic diseases


Blood thinning or haemophilia is a genetic disease in which blood can not coagulate naturally, due to the lack of a number of coagulation proteins known as clotting factors.
The problem concerns the vessels inside the body, especially the joints, like the knee and the elbow, because any injury in this area can cause internal bleeding, which represents a danger to the patient's life.
According to the coagulation factor, the first type, hemophilia A, is due to the absence of coagulation factor 8. This type is called classic blood loss.
Hemophilia B results from the absence of coagulation factor 9, and statistics indicate that this type of cancer is more prevalent in the Arab region, causing hemophilia C, the least common.
In this topic, we treat in detail the disease of the thinness of the blood, indicating the factors and causes that lead to the infection, as well as the symptoms that appear, as well as the possible methods of prevention and the methods of treatment used and modern.

Three catalysts

The body has mechanisms, the main task of which is to form a blood clot, in case of external or internal bleeding, where the clot forms at the bleeding site until the blood stops. .
The exception is severe bleeding, caused by massive injury, because the coagulation mechanisms can not control it.
The mechanisms of coagulation must include three catalysts: a wound in the vessel wall, a change in blood flow, as well as a change in the form of accumulation of superimposed blood cells, factors that do not occur together that after an injury, that it be small or serious. Great.
The coagulation mechanism takes at least 10 minutes or so, until a small clot forms to cover the wound, and when relatively large wounds are injured, it is necessary to close by sewing the fabrics.
The absence of clotting factor causes blood flow, which requires medical intervention, to prevent bleeding, to prevent significant blood loss.

Simple injury

Bleeding is the main symptom of thinning of the blood; they manifest themselves in any part of the victim's body, whether visible or invisible, where the blood flows abundantly from the wound, as well as the delay of the coagulation process, or does not occur completely.
The most common areas of bleeding are muscles and joints in the body, which are caused by a minor injury or minor surgery, such as a toothpaste, injection, or blood sample.

Anemia is the beginning

The child suffering from this disease, because of his repeated falls at the beginning of the learning of walking, causes significant bruising and bleeding to the joints, especially the knees.
This bleeding causes the appearance of fibers and stiffness in the joints. Due to inflammation at the bleeding stages, the child's muscles are weak, making him vulnerable to a type of disability and may require joint modification at age adult.
One of the most serious types of bleeding that can be exposed to a patient is blood bleeding, bleeding to the brain and due to seizures and fainting. Healing is linked to a number of factors, including the age of the patient, the nature of his activities and his movements.
If the bleeding lasts a long time, it will result in a significant loss of blood, which will lead to complications beginning with anemia that can lead to unconsciousness and bodily harm. Shocked by the lack of blood in him.

Genetic factor

The hereditary factor is the main cause of blood thinning because it is a disease transmitted by a transmissible gene from previous generations to younger generations.
Until the woman contracts the disease, both chromosomes have disease status, which means that the father and mother are affected.
It is different for humans, where just being the infected mother until the disease moves, which explains the high incidence of the disease in men.
The infection can lead to genetic mutation in the presence of coagulation factors, although there is no pre-existing lesion in the mother or father.

Pregnant and Babies

A pregnant woman who suffers from blood loss must avoid bleeding during pregnancy, as this could endanger the life of the fetus, even if the pregnant woman's body produces hormones that reduce the overall bleeding rate.
The doctor must also pay attention to this state of health during the delivery process by providing the necessary precautions, including the presence of a specialist in blood diseases, in order to take steps to protect the mother from all bleeding.
Infant infection rates are high because it is a genetic disease. This must be taken into account when starting to treat these cases from birth, because the body of the child at this stage is very soft, incomplete and therefore bleeding caused by minor trauma is possible, which is a major problem if the bleeding is not stopped immediately.

Treatment steps

Blood haemorrhage is a long-term illness that is often part of a patient's lifestyle, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and so on. The person with the disease must adhere to the necessary measures and treatment plan.
The treatment begins by examining the patient to determine which of the clotting factors is missing until he is compensated individually or by replacing the patient's blood with another blood containing the complete clotting factor.
Treatment includes the use of ice to reduce the severity of bleeding by placing it on the affected areas, especially the joints. This is a preliminary procedure and not a radical solution. It can also give the patient pain containing protein coagulation and administer to the children of this housing.
In order to prevent future obstruction, the infected patient receives an injection of blood coagulation protein every other day, making it the best treatment. To come up.

Useful herbs

Some recent medical studies indicate that there are natural herbs that increase the ability of blood clotting and that are used as a dietary supplement for the patient with weight loss.
This is the yarrow flower, common in the forests of Europe and Asia, which is characterized by the treatment of blood liquidity, especially during pregnancy and lactation.
The nutrients contained in the nettle strengthen the lining of the blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of bleeding.
Nutrients are known to be useful in treating many diseases, including thinning blood, helping to strengthen the lining of blood vessels and increase their ability to withstand shocks.
The list of herbs also includes Hawthorn, a plant known since antiquity, as well as cranberry and despite its tasty and bitter taste, but has many benefits for the treatment of blood thinness.

Important tips

A recent study suggests some important tips for anticoagulants, including avoiding foods that prevent clots from forming in the body, especially turmeric, which is forbidden to hemophilia patients because it prevents blood clotting and helps to thin it, as well as ginger, although it's nutrients and vitamins, and also avoid cinnamon and pepper.
Vitamin E is beneficial for heart patients because it keeps the heart and blood vessels healthy, but it is forbidden for hemophilia patients because it licks the blood and increases its fluidity.
An anticoagulant should avoid violent sports that require resistance or motivation and should consult a doctor before taking any medicine as this may affect the ability of the blood to clot.
The patient should consult the dentist regularly to avoid any damage to the teeth, while maintaining personal hygiene in general and avoiding injuries in particular.

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