Bought iPhone 8 or iPhone XR instead of the iPhone 11


Bought iPhone 8 or iPhone XR instead of the iPhone 11
A week ago, Apple launched its latest 2019 phone, the iPhone 11, with three different versions, but many fans of the famous brand have found that its price was slightly higher, which led some to look for other versions at a lower and higher price.

According to the Daily Mirror, experts have revealed that the iPhone 8 and the iPhone XR are two better options, because of their lower price compared to the iPhone 11, and better features for the iPhone Battery life, which represents the best investment for the price-quality ratio.

According to the latest Apple updates, the price of the iPhone 8 stands at around $ 449, the iPhone 8 Plus version at $ 549, at 9,000 pounds, while that the iPhone XR at $ 600 equals 10 150 Egyptian pounds.

The idea has been in great demand by luxury Apple enthusiasts online, after the company unveiled its latest awards to allow the new icon to achieve the best sales, but the latest sales index was the iPhone XR best-selling because of its low price, which has to be absorbed by Apple.

This news comes from: Echo Country

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