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A new study shows that the rate of marijuana use has not increased in the United States, despite its legalization in 18 US states in addition to Washington, DC, according to the British newspaper The Independent.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that researchers asked 830,000 Americans over the age of 12 about their use of marijuana, before and after it was legalized in their states between 2008 and 2017.

Researchers said there was no increase in marijuana use in the general population or among former users when it became legal where they lived.

Washington and Colorado, the first two U.S. states to legalize recreational cannabis use in 2012, saw a slight increase in use among white and Hispanic study participants.

The team of researchers found that there was no change in cannabis use among people aged 12 to 20 in states where it became legal.

Currently, 18 states and Washington, DC, have legalized cannabis use for people over the age of 21.

In 2021 alone, Connecticut, New Mexico, New York and Virginia legalized property. But a leading animal charity has warned that dogs often get sick from the food they find while walking.

The American Animal Welfare Association says calls to its poison control hotline indicate that marijuana poisoning in dogs has increased in states that sell it legally.

Most of these calls come from dog owners who smoke or consume cannabis, but there have been increasing cases of poisoning of these animals by ingesting waste containing cannabis in parks.

While some states have added legalization of cannabis use, there is still a long way to go to legalize it at the federal level, and US President Joe Biden said earlier this year that more research is needed on the effects and consequences. ramifications of legalization before it can be fully supported. .

On the other hand, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has made it clear that he wants to introduce a bill, even if Biden does not fully support it.

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