Broad participation in the Arab-European summit comes in recognition of the status of Egypt and President Sisi


The secrets of the week Sharm El Sheikh – a
Posted on: Monday 25 February 2019 – 19h10 | Last updated: Monday 25 February 2019 – 19:10

Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri said the great response given by the leaders and leaders of the participants to the first Euro-Arab summit in Sharm el-Sheikh at the invitation of Egypt was an appreciation the role of Egypt and its regional role, as well as the policies of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

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In a statement to a limited number of journalists at the end of the summit, Shukri said that this intense participation reflected confidence in the leadership and vision of the Sisi people, prompting European leaders to show their interest and to accept the central role of Egypt in the Arab region. Mediterranean or African, allowing them to work more with partners to achieve common interests.

In response to a question about the fact that the Arabs managed to achieve their goals after the Arab-European summit, the Foreign Minister explained that Egypt does not speak on behalf of the Arab countries, but speaks as as the host country of the summit. "What we feel during the dialogues and the bilateral meetings that brought together Egypt The Arab leaders and the leaders who spoke during this summit welcomed the success of the summit in the context of the communication and exchange of views and identified the area of ​​agreement between the Arab Group and the European Union as well as the political will to continue to work for the realization of common interests.

And if there are any reservations on the part of some Arab countries not to take stock of the regional interventions of certain countries with an expansionist power and not to find an answer on the European side, Shukri explained that this issue, as explained the Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, was related to the consultation process within the Union European Union and the time available to consider the proposals. "We supported these proposals and pleaded for their inclusion in the final declaration, we let the Arab League Secretariat start communicating with the European side, and maybe we still have enough time for them. The European Community, a necessary consensus to be included in the declaration. "

The Foreign Minister added that the final declaration of the summit included references interpreted as stating the need for stability in the Arab space, which will not be the case and that countries in the region intervene in Arab affairs.

Al-Akhbar: Thanks for the most recent news: The wide participation in the Arab-European summit comes in recognition of the status of Egypt and the President of Sisi.

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