"Brown Rice" useful for diabetics and protects the heart –


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"AFor Ahsa today "- Al-Ahsa

Brown rice is a whole grain rich in nutrients and covered with its crust, it is the most valuable white rice. White rice is a ripe rice with a rich fiber crust and nutritional value, and we'll learn more about the benefits.

Useful for diabetics

Brown rice is useful for diabetics and hyperglycemiants.A comparative study of the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition revealed that brown rice is rich in phytic acid, primary fiber and polyphenol, a complex carbohydrate that contributes to the slow secretion of sugar compared to white rice.

The American Diabetes Association also recommends choosing brown rice rather than white rice for diabetics.

Rich in antioxidants

Brown rice is rich in powerful antioxidants that protect against damage caused by free radicals and contains an important antioxidant enzyme called superoxide that protects cells from oxidative damage during energy production and helps in the prevention of various diseases such as coronary heart disease.

Prevents obesity

Brown rice plays a key role in controlling weight in obese people because it contains manganese that helps burn fat in the body.

It protects against Alzheimer's

A study conducted in 2013 found that brown rice helped prevent nerve complications such as Alzheimer's disease, a beneficial ingredient in the inhibition of an enzyme called propylphenidipididase, an enzyme linked to the Alzheimer's disease, as well as other brain disorders such as dementia and memory loss.

Improves digestive health

Brown rice is a staple that can be added to the daily diet to maintain the health of the digestive system because of its fibers that help regulate bowel function and help to feel full.

Promotes heart health

Brown rice is rich in selenium and is beneficial for heart health. Consumption of whole grains such as brown rice helps reduce arterial blockage and the risk of heart attacks such as high blood pressure and vascular disease.

Cholesterol control

Brown rice helps maintain healthy levels of cholesterol because it contains nutrients that are useful for metabolizing fats and glucose. The consumption of brown rice has also shown a significant improvement in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and helps prevent high levels of triglycerides in the liver.

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