Burning fat in men faster than women .. What is the reason?


Organic and behavioral factors reduce the process of fat burning in men and women, depending on age, heredity, lifestyle, excessive calorie Vitamin D deficiency, which contributes to the absence of burns, in addition to the thyroid that affects the Burning process, especially if there is laziness, so less burning.

Dr. Mohamed Amin, a specialist in therapeutic nutrition and food science, explains that the cause of the increased rate of burns in men is higher than that of women, due to the nature of the body, consisting mainly of muscles that help burn fat, while fats predominate in the large proportion of women's bodies, such as buttocks, abdomen and chest.

The body also distributes fat to muscles and different parts of the body, which facilitates the process of metabolism and fat burning.

He added that testosterone in humans, more than in women, contributes to the burn process because it is responsible for this process.

On the psychological level, it is known that men exert more effort than women, especially when their working time exceeds 10 hours, in addition to the number of hours worked by women, in addition to the psychological pressures and responsibilities they are confronted with work or at home. In women, these factors can increase the burn at home, as Amin believes.

One of the things that Amin advised to provide to the burning process for women, is to have breakfast and take 3 meals per meal, every 3 hours, in an orderly fashion, to keep burning and to highest rates.

Also focus on high water consumption: it increases the burning sensation, gives the impression of satiety, reduces the appetite and thus contributes to weight loss.

The importance of maintaining a specific diet, along with regular exercise, helps to increase the burning sensation and build up muscles that help burn fat, as well as to stop eating high-calorie, nocturnal meals. regulate and arrange meal programs and familiarize the body with. These dates.

Finally, sleep early because sleep deprivation weakens the burning process, gives the impression that the body is hungry and therefore asks for food.

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