Can you stand on one leg? ..your ability or not to reveal your health!


Al-Marsad Journal – Agencies: Research shows that people’s ability to stand on one leg is a healthy indicator and that improving standing on one leg can improve fitness and longevity.

The ability to stand on one leg is associated with increased levels of physical activity, reduced risk of falls, and quality and length of life.

Inability to stand on one leg

The inability to balance on one leg for 20 seconds or more in healthy people is associated with an increased risk of damage to small blood vessels in the brain and a decreased ability to understand thoughts.

You are unlikely to be able to stand on one leg without shaking if you have multiple health conditions, such as Parkinson’s, stroke, or Alzheimer’s disease.

Pregnancy, menopause, and retirement can also affect our strength, balance, and ability to stand, primarily due to how these factors affect our ability and motivation to engage in regular physical activity.

Researchers explain that sitting or lying down while awake is associated with decreased muscle strength, risk of falling, and physical function, sometimes regardless of how much moderate or vigorous physical activity you take. practice.

Why standing on one leg is important

The researchers explain that when the human body stands upright, it is inherently unstable because we have a very small base of support relative to our height and width.

When we are healthy, we rely on our central and peripheral nervous system to integrate all the information from our senses of balance (eyes, inner ear, muscle and joint reflexes), and then engage the right muscles ( foot, ankle, leg, trunk and sometimes arm muscles) at the same time. Appropriate for making the necessary adjustments to our posture to stay upright. And the more physical activity we do, the more likely we are to achieve good balance.

Other health problems that can also affect our physical activity are characterized by hunched posture and poor balance, such as depression and osteoporosis, leading to an increased risk of falls and fractures. A bent position makes standing on one leg more difficult.

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