Canada's Maury Hatem for art: I went into confrontation despite illness and heat


The Lebanese artist Mori Hatem has achieved great success by passing the confrontational stage in the Canadian voice program after being selected among the 80 competitors among the millions to participate in the program.

Murray interpreted Holiday I love Johnny, admiring the jury before joining Lara Fabian's team in order to fulfill her dream of meeting and learning.

Mori, who is the only one from Lebanon and the Arab world to compete in this competition, is preparing to face in the coming weeks in hopes of winning and securing a new Lebanese international presence.

The art website met Hatem and made the following meeting:

I have already participated in the vocal program in its Arabic version and today, the voice in Canada, what are you looking for during these two sessions?

I have participated in the voice in Arabic version and I have reached advanced stages of the program, but in Arab countries, interest in western singing is rare.

I met a member of the production team and advised me to participate in the competition. When I knew that Lara Fabian would be one of the referees, I did not hesitate a minute and I participated in the program in the hope of being in his team.

You have been selected from millions of participants. Do you expect to be accepted?

Frankly, I trust my talent and work on its development always, I expected to accept, but with caution.

Is it true that you are the only Lebanese involved?

I am the only Arab participant in the program. We have launched 80 candidates and we are only 40. We have started the confrontation phase during which I will be one of the participants in the coming weeks.

Tell us how you feel when you enter the theater ..

I will not forget this feeling mixed with joy and fear, one night before the recording of my first episodes, I was very sick and I was very hot, and as I was there. had the opportunity to postpone my commitment based on the signed contract, the doctor had prescribed me treatment, drugs and medicines. Lara Fabian, whose art I have loved since my youth, is the idealist of the art.

What do you expect from the result after your confrontation?

I give it with all my heart, this is my chance and my relationship with Belara Fabian is very good. I take advantage of his observations. I do not like to expect anything, but my dream is to win and make myself known in everything I do.

Tell us about your family's reaction as soon as it receives the news of your transition to confrontation?

Prior to the showdown, the program had been marked by a critical step that had earned them a positive shock because they knew my passion for Lara Fabian's art: joining my team was an immense joy, all the more so that they have supported me a lot in my career and have encouraged me to persevere.

I have participated in the voice, because you are gifted in western singing, but as you write and sing and you have songs in Arabic, which ones do you like the most?

Of course, more Western singing, but to enter the world of singing, it is necessary to convey the Arabic songs that help to spread, and despite the fact that Western songs have special songs in the markets, including " Shaw you have night "of the poet Nizar Francis and the cast and composed by Jean Marie Riachi and" Uncle Speak with the End "by David Saltawi and Alhani, as well as other songs that contributed to the publication of my name especially after my participation in the vocal program.

You are in Canada today, what is your news and when will you come back?

I have joined a team of singers in Canada, I have given many concerts in Canada and I have permanent art tours. Today, I am on voice in Canada. confrontation phase in the hope of a new victory for Lebanon.

Last word ..

I thank the art website who gave me this interview of Canada, and I tell my fans wherever you are, it's your turn to vote by the intense vote that will qualify me for the final phase.

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