Cancer has pushed to change his life for the better. Know the story of Patricia


Result of diagnosis: cancer. After overcoming the first shock, Patricia discovered the power of her mind, having been negative towards many attitudes of life. What did the young woman do? How did you fight the malignant disease?

According to the World Health Organization, about 9.6 million people worldwide have died of cancer by 2018. This disease is particularly deadly for people living in poor countries.

According to the World Health Organization, between 30 and 50% of cancers can be prevented. Avoiding tobacco and alcohol, as well as obesity.

Patricia was one of those who had cancer and, three months ago, many lymph nodes had been removed from her armpits. But a cancer tumor specialist has again discovered his disease, according to Deutsche Welle.

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Patricia remembers something important and says "because of my way of life, I have caused myself to this fate, to a certain extent." The young woman was not interested in herself and was pessimistic. "The idea that I always had was that they hated me," she said.

But can a negative psychological state be fertile ground for cancer? "This is a very interesting question from a scientific point of view," says Christian Albus, professor of medicine at the University of Cologne.

"Some people torture themselves because they feel guilty about believing that cancer would not have developed if their attitudes toward life were different."

A setback and a breakthrough
"If I have something to do with my injury, it means I can control it," Patricia said after her illness. She seems to have seen an opportunity to review her attitude towards life.

The 32-year-old mother died of shock, she was terrified of imminent death, she refused chemotherapy and radiation therapy, claiming that she was sure to die anyway, but she gradually became more confident.

Despite her illness, Patricia is no longer a teacher, but founded her own company, Familienbande, which advises and helps families, children and young people in difficult circumstances. His experience since diagnosis has allowed him to help others.

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