Causes of stomach ulcers and prevention tips


According to the site, stomach ulcers from annoying health problems that many suffer, namely inflammation and severe rupture of the stomach wall, can cause bleeding and become a chronic ulcer. mayoclinique The causes of stomach ulcers are

Causes of stomach ulcers


Digestive ulcers occur when the acid present in the digestive system causes corrosion of the inner surface of the stomach or small intestine. The acid can cause open and painful ulcers, as well as bleeding.

1: Infection of the germ of the stomach, one of the types of bacteria living in the stomach wall and causing corrosion in the mucous layer covering the lining of the stomach and small intestine.

2: Excessive consumption of painkillers causes inflammation and severe ulcers to the stomach.

3: The side effects of some medications also cause stomach ulcers.

Some factors increase the risk of ulcers, including:


Factors that increase the risk of stomach ulcers

Smoking can increase the risk of gastrointestinal ulcers, especially in people with spleen.

2: The abuse of alcohol can cause irritation and erosion of mucus.

3: exposure to extreme stress.

4: Increase your consumption of spices, hot foods and fast foods high in fat.

Some symptoms show that you have an ulcer in your stomach:

Symptoms of stomach ulcers

1: intense pain in the stomach.

2: nausea and vomiting sometimes accompanied by blood.

3: blood in the stool.

4: Respiratory problems.

5: fainting sometimes.

6: significant weight loss.

7: Changes in appetite.

Some tips help prevent stomach ulcers.

Tips for the prevention of stomach ulcers

1: Do not take painkillers only under the supervision of a doctor, this would increase the risk of stomach ulcers.

2: Refrain from smoking, alcohol and gas.

3: Eat healthy fruits and vegetables and avoid fatty and ready meals.

4: drink plenty of water and natural juices and avoid juices made with industrial materials.

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