Century Deal Where? – Nassif up to


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Monday, March 4, 2019 – 11:50 pm
| Last update:
Monday, March 4, 2019 – 11:50 pm

It is certain that the date of the launch of the agreement of the American century to settle the Palestinian question will come after the Israeli elections of the beginning of next month. Jared Kouchner, special adviser to President Trump and responsible for this case, announced the four basic principles of the agreement: freedom, dignity, security and economic prosperity. The announcement was made at the beginning of a new tour in the Gulf and Turkey to provide political and material support to the agreement. One of the main reasons for Turkey's inclusion is its privileged relations with Hamas, despite the sensitivities it raises due to differences between Turkey over regional policies and relations with Tehran, with Arab parties keys upon which Americans depend to provide political and material support to the agreement. According to their owners, the main goal of this initiative or agreement of the century is to remove the last barriers between the Arabs and Israel in order to promote comprehensive strategic cooperation against Iran by integrating Israel into the region and normalizing its regional status, leading to fundamental change in the Middle East's strategic landscape. Washington wants to make an important compromise, based on its vision of the nature of conflicts in the region between security and support for Arabs in open conflict with Iran, which is entirely in the interest of the US strategic strategy set by President Trump at a political price and much of this support,. It should be remembered that Washington strongly advocates the abolition of the Palestinian refugee issue and the demilitarization of all those who were not born in Palestine before the creation of Israel and their integration into a third country. . He added that what is required in adopting the Israeli position is that the Arabs pay compensation to the Jews who left the Arab countries for Israel after 1948. This is part of the American "Great Barter".
Three elements encourage Washington to finally break this deadlock.
First, the state of Arab and Palestinian disintegration and the absence of the effective minimum, not the media or the discourse, of the practical consensus on how to deal with this conflict in order to resolve it completely.
Secondly, the American viewpoint is very simplistic, discriminatory and distorts the nature of the conflict and the nature of the organization of the values ​​that affect it and constitute a control over the movement within it, particularly at the level of Arabic, although some elements have changed and political taboos have fallen on the stages of normalization with Israel. "Taboos" are relative restrictions based on the idea of ​​solidarity, which is minimal. Other elements are no less important, such as escalating the role and weight of Islamic identity in various forms and expressions of Islam and its location as a source of the political legitimacy of the major Arab countries is a constraint and that the pressure on Arab decision-makers is not allowed, within certain limits, to deviate from these convictions, which express the legitimacy of the political, ideological and Political Different degrees depending on the parties. The best examples in this regard are the question of Jerusalem and the attempt to get the Arabs to accept Jerusalem as the eternal and eternal capital of Israel and the official reaction rejecting it from the major parties on which Washington has relied to accept this transformation of the structure and settlement of the conflict.
Thirdly, there is a particular American confusion between the Arab political abandonment due to the regional priorities that weigh on the Palestinian issue and its exclusion from these priorities and the demands of the violations and behaviors that made it possible to lift some of the political taboos. on the one hand, and the Arab cost of canceling or suppressing the entire Palestinian cause. As a matter of economic development whose solution is to improve the living conditions of Palestinians and give them more powers than autonomy and less than a sovereign state over parts of the occupied territories and not to accept and work to ensure the national rights of the Palestinian people and their right to a normal state like other countries.
Arab countries can not be trapped between Israel's fundamental national and religious extremism and the fertile ground for the spread of fundamentalism in the Arab region as long as it does not deal in depth with the causes of this active extremism in the Arab region. the Arab world and in the light of existing internal and external conditions and the existing "ideological" climate that can be used against certain policies If adopted by the Arab countries, go to the end of half of the total projection of the Palestinian question and accept the distortion and disassembly and turn it into a development issue and the entry of the Arab-Israeli economy integration based on the acceptance and respect of the National extremism and my father Z Israeli reality THEMATIC: an agreement entitled bread to the Palestinians in exchange for the security, stability and prosperity of Israel.
In this context, Arab "messages" are launched, some timid and some showing their incapacity or reluctance, if only for various reasons, not to go beyond the existing red lines on the Palestinian question, including Jerusalem and the refugees, as mentioned above. Acceptance as a realistic gift of Israeli fundamentalism, whether strategic or religious, is a fundamental extension of extremism in Arab societies, even with different titles from the past, and the consequences are serious for the stability of Arab societies and the national and regional security of their countries.
To recall some of these messages, the Arab League has reaffirmed its importance for Arab and Islamic sites and the Arab peace initiative, even though it has been politically frozen since its launch in Beirut in 2002. For example, in the Arab Summit declaration
In Sharm el-Sheikh, with the internationally agreed and agreed upon foundations and benchmarks that have stabilized over time to achieve a comprehensive, lasting and just peace: references based on resolutions of international legitimacy that have been almost completely abandoned or ignored by the agreement of this century.
The current Arab situation goes from the lack of activation of the necessary policy to settle the Arab-Israeli conflict and the incapacity or the desire because of the many dangers mentioned in the abandonment of the foundations of this agreement agreed between the Arab and international sides.
In light of this situation, it is almost impossible for Washington to pass the market of the century because of the negative repercussions it has, even at different times and in different forms, on Washington's friends and Arab allies. Friendship and alliance can not mean acceptance of political suicide because of ignorance or contempt of the ally of stable values ​​in Arab policies weakening or changing the nature of the expression and missing the urgent political agenda.
To recall an objective global reality, problems of identity can not be eliminated by economic relations or a balance of forces at a given moment of the type proposed by the agreement of the century, or, as we have said by the past, in the fall.

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