Change the identity of cells to produce insulin


The discovery mechanism helps objects to heal diabetes - an archive image

The discovery mechanism helps objects to heal diabetes – an archive image

An international study conducted by Norwegian researchers has revealed a mechanism that can help the body to cure diabetes.

Diabetes is caused by the lack of insulin cells or the inability of damaged cells to produce insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.

According to the study published in the journal Nature Cell Biology, researchers at the University of Bergen (Norway), in collaboration with international researchers, discovered that cells producing glucagon in the pancreas could change the identity and adaptation to the work of neighboring insulin cells reached or lost.

"Cells producing glucagon will first need help to start this task," said Louisa Gela of the University of Bergen in a report published in the medical journal Medical Press. "The use of a drug that affects cellular communication can help produce insulin."

She explained that the results of animal models, the ability to increase the number of cells producing insulin at 5% using a drug that affects the process of communication between cells.

"The ability to change the identity and function of cells can be a crucial discovery in the treatment of other diseases caused by cell death, such as Alzheimer's disease and cellular damage caused by heart attacks. "

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