Chinese vehicle "Chang-er 4" … the moon's nights are cooler than expected


The Chinese unmanned vehicle "# Zhang_ie_4" that landed on the surface of the moon on January 4, met a lunar night cooler than expected, announced today the Chinese Space Agency.

The temperature of the moon fell to 190 degrees below zero, the first night on the moon. Scientists did not expect heat to decrease.

These temperatures are lower than those recorded by American vehicles in previous missions. This may be due to the fact that previous missions have been exploring the moon's surface since the moon, while Chang's A4 landed on the hidden, still hidden side of the Earth.

The agency predicted that the difference in the nature of the surface between the apparent side of the Earth and the hidden side is the reason for this difference in temperature.

The unmanned Chinese plane "Chang A4" managed on January 3 to land on the moon, in the hidden part of the earth, for the first time in the history of the invasion of the island. 39; space. A few hours later, the Yoto 2 probe was dropped on the surface to be studied.

The second time China sends a vehicle to explore the moon, after the probe "Yoto" (jade bunny) in 2013, which lasted 31 months. But landed on the opposite side of the earth.

The new probe is conducting studies on mineral and mineral wave resources and has successfully completed an experiment on the potential of agriculture on the moon, which has resulted in the growth of a cotton implant in a appropriate condition in the vehicle.

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