Chocolates protect against the risk of clots


Helps reduce blood pressure and strengthen memory

A new study revealed the chocolate's ability to protect itself from exposure to strokes, though it was taken 3 times a month.

The study adds that this benefit joins the role of chocolate in lowering blood pressure, enhancing memory and improving intestinal health.

"People have long thought that chocolate is guilty of guilt, but it's not really a bad food, it's high in calories, but it's also rich in zinc, magnesium, and iron," he said. Duane Millor, nutritionist at Cinderey.

Even though chocolate contains saturated fats, it does not cause any damage, unlike other foods containing saturated fats, such as the increased risk of heart disease or high cholesterol, said Millor.

The important benefit of chocolates is related to heart health, he said, because it improves the health of blood vessels and reduces cholesterol.

This benefit comes from the chemical formulations found in cocoa beans, called flavanolates, including ibecticin, the same active ingredient beneficial to health in green tea..

Several previous studies have shown that chocolates are very useful for the human digestive system and play an important role in mood enhancement because they increase the secretion of serotonin, the hormone responsible for feeling of happiness.

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