Chronic asthma must continue


Realize: Randa Girgis

People with asthma have symptoms and complications associated with this disease and can be exacerbated as the disease progresses. They are exposed to several signs of illness: persistent shortness of breath, chronic coughing and wheezing, a common sign in children with asthma and other signs of illness. , Which can pose a threat to their lives, especially because the environment is filled with allergies such as: gas, chemical vapors, dust and volatile bacteria in the air; but with the development of the medical field, there are several advanced treatments that reduce the risk of this disease,.
"Asthma is a condition that makes breathing difficult, it is associated with chronic itching, it causes stiffness of the lungs and inflammation, these symptoms do not occur in all patients, but they can affect them when they are exposed to stimulants, "says Dr. Ryan Dammag, pediatrician. The cough is usually at night or early in the morning or during physical exercise; chest tightness or difficulty breathing, and if asthma is not controlled, these symptoms may occur daily, weekly or less depending on the course of the condition, It may also vary from mild to severe sometimes; It is important to note that asthma is caused by environmental and genetic factors. The risk increases in the case of a parent or asthma, because of other allergies such as the atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis or exposure to smoke from one side. Seconds and weight gain ".
"Asthma is intended for all ages, but it often starts with children.The infection is usually five years old.If young children are infected, the signs of the disease are only wheezing with upper respiratory tract infection and 60 percent do not have wheezing at age 6 years The risk of infection varies depending on the situation Asthma complications can prevent the infection. 39, child to go to school or to exercise There are also rare risks that can occur with the development of the disease; Lungs or serious attacks that do not respond to treatment . "

Diagnostic tests

Dr. Ryan explains, "The diagnosis of asthma depends on a breath test, it shows how the lungs work, but it requires the child to be over 6 years old. Acute Crisis Control is the most important goal of therapeutic approaches – a healthy, uncomplicated lifestyle for the affected child that is primarily dependent on the treatment of the environment. irritants plays an important role in the exacerbation of symptoms, so allergens should be avoided, which is determined by the test of exciting substances Allergy, which should be avoided by the patient child, as efforts must be concentrated at home to avoid smoke, dust, mildew and pollen, for medications it depends on the progressive treatment.Antihma medications should be added or removed at as the frequency and severity of symptoms change. Drugs, often, he may need long-term control drugs. "

Asthma in adults

Dr. Marhaf Halabi, a specialist in respiratory and respiratory diseases, reports that asthma can affect people of all ages, whose peak reaches 30 years in both sexes and after menopause in women, but targets at most people carrying genetic mutations for allergy. In general, especially since birth, the latent stage of the disease, which is not accidental, can be transformed into a transverse clinical stage because of the severity factors experienced by the patient. The asthmatic patient suffers from spasmodic cough, which increases usually at night with difficult discharge joints. Respiration and respiratory gliding during any effort, sometimes even During the rest period, in addition to wheezing in the chest and of varying severity depending on the stage of the disease, in mild cases , one can see only coughing or shortness of breath, and increase with the emergence of chills and skids respiratory at the chronic stages, and in very severe cases, the chest is hard to get quiet Severe breathing and speech .
The disease goes through the stages (attack) and (attack) and (hummus). She is diagnosed in the first two stages, based on clinical symptoms, and listens to the allergic story of the patient for any aspect of the allergy, whether it is respiratory or skin symptoms. In addition to seizures, diagnosis relies on tests of respiratory function, which involves multiple seizures, and many types of asthma in adults, the most important: allergic and nonallergic asthma, associated with other factors, among which the link with the infection is one of the most difficult and response to treatment, The processor is still confined to the reed glands In particular, the terminal bronchial tubes of patient, which cause increased respiratory symptoms of obstructive pulmonary disease, can also cause frequent attacks of serious attacks and endanger the risk of his life.

Treatment measures

In case of chronic treatment, the cortisone derivatives can be injected orally or orally. In severe cases, the patient is admitted to the hospital. , And can be the subject of intensive care if it is life-threatening and takes the necessary steps, but apart from attacks and after assessing the severity of the disease according to a classification of such cases, the doctor had the same effect. habit of intervening through cortisone derivatives, cornerstone of treatment, in addition to the bronchial and adenoviral dilators formats Known as oral leukotriene blockers, it should be taken every day in order to control the disease and minimize the incidence of attacks.
He adds: In case of obstinacy, other therapeutic methods are used, such as: biological species, the most recent, and sometimes the use of special treatments such as localized heat application by endoscopy of a narrowed bronchus. Adult asthma is more difficult to treat than asthma, to a regular daily treatment, which can sometimes extend life depending on the stage of diagnosis and complications, and mentioning the duration of treatment, epileptic seizures repeated in the patient, it is important to identify cases associated with asthma during the diagnosis of the disease, because the control requires effective treatment, the most important diseases of the nose, sinuses, gastric reflux -oesophagien.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary embolism

According to Dr. Sandeep Barge, a lung specialist, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) causes airflow obstruction in the lungs, usually progressive, linked to a strengthened chronic inflammatory response in the airways and lungs. and turning into harmful particles or gases. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the result of prolonged exposure to pulmonary embolism, which causes lung and bronchial damage, mainly because of cigarette smoke. In rare cases, there is a genetic disorder called alpha-1 antitryin deficiency. Shortness of breath and chronic cough Fair and frequent sputum production.

Case Assessment

According to Dr. The diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is to examine the history of the disease, the clinical examination of the patient, when he was exposed to smoke and d? other lung irritants, as well as symptoms such as coughing, expectoration or dyspnea, and functional evaluation, cryopreservation, oxygenation, lung volume, proliferation and anatomical evaluation, chest x-ray, or high-resolution scanning.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma are not associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but not with exacerbation of asthma in asthmatic patients, but the risk of COPD is generally less. With asthma, and developed their cases of a combination of asthma in addition to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Complications and treatments

Dr. Sandeep points out that the complications of pulmonary embolism include: Respiratory acidity, where carbon accumulates in the body, pulmonary arterial hypertension, pneumonia and l? Acute respiratory failure, in addition to the possibility of a pulmonary heart, a condition that swells the right side of the heart and weakens the ventricle. The treatment of this disease varies from smoking cessation to smoking; it is the most important factor to slow the development of disease and food processing, such as: the expansion of bronchial adrenergic blockers and real estate against allergies or contractions, in more physical treatment for the chest, The deep breathing training methods, may also undergo surgical treatment, where the doctor minimizes the patient's lung volume, as well as through oxygen therapy, or sleep apnea therapy devices .

Biological therapy

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recognized the importance of biologic therapy to end the suffering of stroke and seizure patients, as well as to reduce the symptoms and treatment of allergy in general (eyes, skin, nose), asthma and particularly difficult and incurable diseases. On a continuous basis, since it depends on the determination of the proportion of treatment according to the weight of the patient and the antibodies in his body, and can be administered to him once a month under the skin at a high rate, it is necessary to note that the need to do tests for the patient determined by the doctor before undergoing biological treatment, Ratio of anti-body Almeonocalobeilin, as well as the analysis of cutaneous stimuli and allergic Mufirtat.

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