"Commerce" is reported by 4 expats who stocked 100 kilos of rotten meat for sale


The Ministry of Commerce and Investment announced today that four expatriates of Egyptian nationality and the fourth of Indian nationality had been found guilty of breaching the commercial fraud control system by possessing and possessing storing dead sheep meat and meat of unknown origin unfit for human consumption in a non-sanitary storage facility. And sell it with housing for employment in the city of Al-Khobar, in Eastern Province.

The Dammam Criminal Court issued a verdict condemning the four perpetrators to a total fine of Rs 80,000, the closure of the headquarters, the confiscation and destruction of all the seized quantities and the publication of the sentence in two local newspapers at the expense of the authors.

The ministry details the 100 kg of corrupted meat, which was confiscated and destroyed, and referred the workers to justice to apply the legal sanctions in accordance with the anti-fraud system.

The Ministry of Commerce confirms that it will continue to fight against violations of the law on commercial fraud and to complete the enforcement of legal proceedings against them, due to fraud and consumer deceit. The system provides for penalties of up to three years imprisonment, fines of one million riyals or both, In violation of two local newspapers at the expense of the offender, transfer of violating workers in their country, suspension and prohibition of doing business.

The trade urges all consumers to report their complaints to the Ministry's Communications Center in 1900, through a "commercial communication" or through the ministry's website.

"Commerce" is reported by 4 expatriates who stocked 100 kilos of rotten meat for sale in workers' housing in Al Khobar


The Ministry of Commerce and Investment announced today that four expatriates of Egyptian nationality and the fourth of Indian nationality had been found guilty of breaching the commercial fraud control system by possessing and possessing storing dead sheep meat and meat of unknown origin unfit for human consumption in a non-sanitary storage facility. And sell it with housing for employment in the city of Al-Khobar, in Eastern Province.

The Dammam Criminal Court issued a verdict condemning the four perpetrators to a total fine of Rs 80,000, the closure of the headquarters, the confiscation and destruction of all the seized quantities and the publication of the sentence in two local newspapers at the expense of the authors.

The ministry details the 100 kg of corrupted meat, which was confiscated and destroyed, and referred the workers to justice to apply the legal sanctions in accordance with the anti-fraud system.

The Ministry of Commerce confirms that it will continue to fight against violations of the law on commercial fraud and to complete the enforcement of legal proceedings against them, due to fraud and consumer deceit. The system provides for penalties of up to three years imprisonment, fines of one million riyals or both, In violation of two local newspapers at the expense of the offender, transfer of violating workers in their country, suspension and prohibition of doing business.

The trade urges all consumers to report their complaints to the Ministry's Communications Center in 1900, through a "commercial communication" or through the ministry's website.

March 13, 2019 – 6 Rajab 1440

The time now is 08:12 AM

Last modification

March 14, 2019 – 7 Rajab 1440


The Ministry of Commerce and Investment announced today that four expatriates of Egyptian nationality and the fourth of Indian nationality had been found guilty of breaching the commercial fraud control system by possessing and possessing storing dead sheep meat and meat of unknown origin unfit for human consumption in a non-sanitary storage facility. And sell it with housing for employment in the city of Al-Khobar, in Eastern Province.

The Dammam Criminal Court issued a verdict condemning the four perpetrators to a total fine of Rs 80,000, the closure of the headquarters, the confiscation and destruction of all the seized quantities and the publication of the sentence in two local newspapers at the expense of the authors.

The ministry details the 100 kg of corrupted meat, which was confiscated and destroyed, and referred the workers to justice to apply the legal sanctions in accordance with the anti-fraud system.

The Ministry of Commerce confirms that it will continue to fight against violations of the law on commercial fraud and to complete the enforcement of legal proceedings against them, due to fraud and consumer deceit. The system provides for penalties of up to three years imprisonment, fines of one million riyals or both, In violation of two local newspapers at the expense of the offender, transfer of violating workers in their country, suspension and prohibition of doing business.

The trade urges all consumers to report their complaints to the Ministry's Communications Center in 1900, through a "commercial communication" or through the ministry's website.

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