Common drugs that affect the brain with serious diseases


The health

Common drugs that affect the brain with serious diseases


Common drugs that affect the brain with serious diseases

Danish scientists have discovered that antibiotic use is linked to a serious mental illness.

According to the website "Conversation", the scientists conducted a study with the participation of more than one million people, all born in the years 1995-2012.

The doctors identified the diseases that each participant had contracted until 2013, including those requiring hospitalization, as well as minor illnesses that could be treated with antiviral drugs. All psychiatric disorders have been identified according to the doctor's diagnosis and prescriptions.

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Infectious diseases increase the risk of developing mental disorders by 1.84 times. When taking medication, including antibiotics, the index increased by 1.4 times. Antibacterial drugs also cause disorders: schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, personality and behavioral disorder, autistic spectrum and attention deficit.

This relationship can be illustrated by the interaction between the intestinal flora and the central nervous system. As is known, antibiotics cause mammalian changes in the type and number of bacteria in the intestine, which can result in decreased cognitive abilities of the human being.

Source: Linta. ro

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