Computer prices now .. "Dell i5" at £ 7,800


  Prices of computers now ..
Prices of computers now .. "Dell i5" by 7800 pounds
According to the Constitution, Prices of computers and accessories, Saturday, and the price of desktops were between 4200 and 6500 pounds, while the price of the Dell i3 notebook about 6450 pounds, compared with Dell i5 about 7800 pounds, and the Dell i7 about 11 thousand pounds, the price of the computer Lenovo i3 notebook is about 7200 pounds.

The price of Acer netbook is 1 terabyte (about 5590 pounds), the price of Acer i3 is about 6150 pounds, the Acer netbook price X 5 about 4535 pounds

S & If you like new computer prices now .. "Dell i5" for LE7800 Share the news on social networking sites. You can also follow all the news via Facebook and Twitter.

Source: Constitution