"Consumer Protection" for "Almarai": Your justifications for raising prices are inaccurate. Stay away from greed


While Almarai attributes rising prices of some dairy and dairy products to high production costs, the Consumer Protection Association calls this reason "vague and imprecise" calling on businesses to move away from greed. Because customers have become more aware.
The "economic" engineer Abdullah Al-Naim, chairman of the executive board of the Consumer Protection Society, said the price increase Almarai is unjustified, pointing out that the costs of production have not been modified, The main value of the operation of the machines for production.

He called on companies to distance themselves from what he called "greed and greed" by deliberately raising prices and harnessing consumers, stressing that they will be losers, d & # 39; as much as the Saudi market is open and varied, supply and alternatives.
Al-Naeem explained that the association was not satisfied with the justifications advanced by the company Al-Marai, which contradicts the truth: the association has designated on the Twitter platform a name calling on consumers to indicate the names of dairy companies whose prices have not been sold;
The assembly said in a statement that companies and institutions providing commodities guaranteed price stability and the accuracy of what is transmitted and published. The statement has not been changed, especially diesel, which is the main engine of production machinery operation, and the basic fuel for shipping and distribution shipments, so to ensure price stability of commodities to consumers.
Almarai, where the attackers launched an attack on the company to raise prices, where the label found the support of activists in the social media writers, media and economists, including Consumer Protection Association, which called on the people of the Kingdom to resort to similar products. Twitter platform: "The market is vast and the options exist if their prices are replaced by others, and called the company Almarai to see consumers by raising prices." 19459015 "" Economic "wave of anger in social media due to rising prices The company issues a price lower than the Kingdom's prices, which confirms the incorrect justification provided by the company.
" Almarai said the costs increased because of taxes, electricity and gasoline, so they increased prices, although their profits increased by 16 million in the first quarter of 2018. "
" L & State gave them the best concessions, they made the biggest profits, and their aliens received the highest wages, "he said." When the grandfather said, "L & # 39; State paid us the fees. "False, confirms the indifference of the company towards the consumers, in the market of several companies For its part, the poet Mohammed has called the centuries to replace the company by buying the companies of the competition and said: "The m Arche is vast and the options exist if their prices are replaced by others. "
Al Rajhi Capital said in a report that Almarai's price increase for dairy products is positive, but it could reduce sales, which means that the benefits of the price increase are going to go up. fade. The company has proposed a target price of 50 SAR, with a recommendation to reduce positions and maintain the rating, confirming that the stock is now trading well above the target price.

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