Elon Musk, director of the US space company manufacturing and launching spacecraft, presented a new proposal to qualify the planet Mars for human life, but without the use of thermal weapons or nuclear detonation equipment as suggested previously. The new proposal is based this time on the development of a matrix of large mirrors to orbit the red planet in order to increase its temperature by reflecting the sunlight towards it.
"It makes sense to use thousands of solar reflectors to heat Mars as artificial suns," wrote Musk on his official Twitter account.
Elon Musk had already proposed to launch a nuclear weapon on the poles of Mars to increase its temperature and make it look like Earth. Even its American non-governmental society has launched a t-shirt with the words Nuke Mars, which means that They struck Mars with a nuclear weapon.
The proposal to strike Mars with a nuclear weapon has sparked controversy and warnings from some scientists, who fear creating a vast cloud of Mars' atmosphere that would block sunlight off its surface, thus lowering its temperature to higher speeds.
Despite the new proposal to use solar reflectors, Elon continues to defend the idea of targeting Mars with nuclear weapons, explaining through his official account on Twitter that what he proposes to conduct "a limited set of explosions in the atmosphere of Mars to create an artificial sun does not make the planet radioactive ".
The search for life on Mars is still ongoing
Mobile laboratory
The Corusetti are the largest and most energetic trolleys sent to Mars. He landed on August 6, 2012 and traveled approximately 17 kilometers on Mars. Curiosity is more than a vehicle, it's a complete mobile laboratory on wheels.
The search for life on Mars is still ongoing
Koryosti contains a spectrophotometer that remotely analyzes the components of materials using lasers. A complete weather station that measures temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, radiation and wind speed. More importantly, it contains a chemistry lab that analyzes organic elements on Mars to search for life.
The search for life on Mars is still ongoing
The results of his research revealed the possibility of a theoretical life on Mars. But no life has been revealed so far. At the end of the main arm of the vehicle, there is a knife to cut the ground and a drill.
The search for life on Mars is still ongoing
Dust analysis
The dust of Mars is analyzed by different instruments. The dusts are first separated into different parts, then sorted and sent to different laboratories for analysis.
The search for life on Mars is still ongoing
Little Explorer
Before Coriusetti, an explorer from Mars had landed on July 4, 1997. It was the first time that a robot was landing on Mars with an X-ray lab to check the composition of materials, as well as moving-lens cameras .
The search for life on Mars is still ongoing
Generations and sizes
Three generations of tanks. The little explorer calls Sojourner. It weighs 10.6 kilograms, the size of a stroller. Its maximum speed will be one second. The second generation is a sportswoman weighing 185 kg. The Koryosti, the largest and weighing up to 900 kg, is the size of a small car. His speed reaches five centimeters per second.
The search for life on Mars is still ongoing
Only four months
Surjonur only traveled 100 meters during his mission and sent photos and information until 27 September 1997. This is one of the latest images sent by the Explorer before the radio is isolated from the ground. It is thought that the "death" of the explorer was caused by a low temperature at night that resulted in the death of his batteries.
The search for life on Mars is still ongoing
Without the experience of Sorgonor, the success of second and third generation explorers could have been conceived. In 2004, NASA sent two explorers to Mars at the same time: Spirit and Opportunity. We were able to travel for seven years on Mars and they traveled 7.7 kilometers. One of them managed to climb the heights, take models on the ground and withstand the cold and sandstorms, even though brother Aportotni is still working today on Mars.
The search for life on Mars is still ongoing
Aportoonte traveled a distance of 42 kilometers until 2015. It is a distance more than those traveled by Koryosti. The explorer carries three types of light spectrometer and three-dimensional cameras.
The search for life on Mars is still ongoing
A plateau on mars
Photo taken by Koryosti. The explorer should work for at least five years. The image of a plateau on Mars shows similar scenes on Earth. Until now, those who live on Mars are the robots that humans have sent to Mars in the expectation of exploring another life. Prepared by: Jesse Vangrad / Abbas Al-Khashali
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