She has conducted numerous studies on caffeine, including the side effects associated with caffeine over the long term and the consequences of excessive consumption or consumption.
The report of the site caféineinformer"Many studies have shown that drinking more than 4 cups of coffee was associated with premature death," a study found that men who drank more than four or eight coffees had a 21 percent increase in mortality for many reasons.
Damage to excessive caffeine
Damage caused by caffeine
As everyone knows, the effects of caffeine do not cause insomnia, but excessive caffeine consumption can also cause damage, including:
Caffeine increases heart disease
High blood pressure
Excessive consumption of caffeine in beverages or foods, especially in people already hypertensive, quickly raises their blood pressure and thus exposes them to the risk of stroke. Another study also revealed that people not used to drinking caffeine had high blood pressure.
Increased risk of heart attack, especially among young people
One study found that young people diagnosed with moderate hypertension were four times more likely to have heart attacks if they consumed caffeine equivalent to 4 cups of coffee.
Caffeine increases abortion in women
Caffeine is associated with gout attacks
One study found that people who drank excessively with caffeinated beverages had a higher risk of gout.
Abscess in breast tissue in women
"Women who ate between 31 and 250 mg of caffeine a day had a risk of chronic fibromyalgia 1.5 times higher and a consumption greater than 500 mg / day had a risk of developing abscesses 2.3 times", said revealed a study. Breast tissue.
People who consume caffeine-rich drinks often suffer from stomach upset or indigestion, but this mostly happens when caffeinated beverages are consumed on an empty stomach, the report said.
Caffeine and its effects on health
Reduces fertility in women and increases the risk of miscarriage
According to a study by the University of Nevada's Faculty of Medicine, caffeine could reduce women's pregnancy chances by 27% by 27%. According to a recent study, men and women who have consumed at least 2 drinks containing caffeine per day during the last weeks of pregnancy have a small risk of miscarriage.
Caffeine is unhealthy for type 2 diabetics
A study by the American Diabetes Association showed that caffeine metabolism was lower in patients with type 2 diabetes.
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