Damage caused by coconut milk when you eat too much, including weight gain


Coconut milk is one of the best health drinks and is extracted from coconut. It is distinguished by its distinct taste and particular taste, despite the improvement of digestion, the prevention of various diseases, the decrease in blood pressure and the nutrition of hair and skin, India when overeating, according to the location of " only my health"He said.

Damage caused by coconut milk

Damage to coconut milk 1
Damage caused by coconut milk

Contains a lot of sugar

The coconut contains a large amount of sugar, containing 28 grams of dried coconut and 2.1 grams of unsweetened sugar, and recommends to the American Heart Association to eat less added sugar to your daily diet, because it contributes to obesity.

Damage caused by coconut milk
Coconut milk contains a lot of sugar

Rich in fat

28 grams of unsweetened dried coconut contain 18.3 grams of total fat, 16.2 grams of saturated fat, and the American Heart Association recommends that saturated fats do not account for more than 7% of total calories, or about 16 grams per person, followed by a diet containing: More than 2,000 calories and saturated fats can increase the proportion of cholesterol in the blood. So you run the risk of heart disease or cardiac arrest.

weight gain

Coconut is also high in calories because excessive consumption of coconut or regular consumption can increase your weight.

What is the harm of coconut milk?
Damage caused by coconut milk

Diarrhea and digestive problems

Coconut is rich in dietary fiber, but the rapid increase in fiber intake can lead to complications in the digestive system such as diarrhea and gas because the digestive system is struggling to treat large amounts of fiber.

Damage caused by coconut milk
Coconut milk can cause allergies to some

Hypersensitivity reactions

Some people may be allergic to coconut. Therefore, if you think you are allergic to coconut, your doctor will be able to test it for you.

High level of cholesterol in the blood

Excessive consumption of coconut milk can lead to high levels of cholesterol, which can lead to blockages of the arteries, leading to cardiovascular problems, resulting in blockage or narrowing of the coronary arteries that pump blood to the heart. Eat foods containing coconut if your cholesterol is high or if you have a risk of cardiovascular disease.

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