Liver fat or fatty liver degeneration, is a term that describes the accumulation of fat in the liver, it is normal to have small amounts of fat in the liver, but many can become a health problem..
Damage to liver fat
According to the American medical website "Health Line"The liver is the second largest organ of the body because it is responsible for various functions, including the treatment of everything we eat and drink and the filtration of harmful substances in the blood.
Damage to liver fat
And a lot of fat in the liver can cause liver damage in the long term; fatty liver is diagnosed at an early stage when the proportion of liver cells containing more than 5% fat is often diagnosed by looking at small samples taken from the Liver Under the microscope, ultrasound, computed tomography and MRI can also help to evaluate the fat content of the liver..
The researchers said the liver usually repairs by rebuilding new cells when old cells are damaged and permanent liver damage causes permanent scarring, called cirrhosis..
Damage to liver fat
In mild forms, hepatic steatosis may be reversible and may improve with lifestyle changes, such as changes in diet, weight loss, and increased physical activity..
Foie gras has become more common and affects about 25% to 30% of Europeans and Americans..
Fatty liver becomes harmful when the disease progresses and can lead to hepatitis (Steatohepatitis) Liver scars, liver cancer and end-stage liver cancer.
Symptoms of fatty liver
Hepatic steatosis usually has no associated symptoms. However, research has shown that about 20% of people with hepatitis have fatigue or abdominal discomfort. Physical.
Excess fat in the liver, as well as some medical conditions, are expected to increase inflammation. If the liver is infected, you may experience symptoms such as:
Low appetite
Abdominal pain
My physical weakness
If fatty liver causes cirrhosis and liver failure, symptoms may include::
Increase the size of the abdomen filled with liquids
Jaundice of the skin and eyes
Bleeding is abnormal
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