Damanhour exploits Tanta's stalemate and rising conflict rages at full speed before the last three rounds of the finish line


The Damanhour team took advantage of the loss to Mansoura to continue to press the Ligue 1 and win the victory over the Al-Hammam 2/1 team.

The Damanhour team was penalized in the second half before a 1-1 draw in the penalty shootout.

The Tanta team lost to Al Mansoura after the 1: 1 draw at the Mansoura Stadium, who owned the pitch before the first goal before the Tanta team equivalent.

Al Mahalla was tied with the Olympics to fall in the leader's battle and Mahalla tied with VARCO 1/1 in the 23rd round of second-division matches.

The ranking was as follows:

First place .. Tanta with 43 points

Second place .. Damanhour with 41 points

Third place .. Please mark 40 points

Fourth place .. Olympic with 40 points

Fifth place .. Mansoura with 39 points

Sixth place .. Municipality of Mahalla with 38 points

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