Damascus declares its response to "Israeli aggression" on Tayfour airport


Damascus announced last night (Sunday) that it was responding to its aerial attacks on "Israeli aggression", targeting a military base in the center of the country and wounding one of the attacking planes

. The air hits an Israeli aggression and drops a number of missiles that target the al-Turf airport, hitting an attacking plane and forcing the rest to leave. "

Israeli military spokesman refused to comment on Israeli raids abroad"

This is not the first time Mata has been targeted

The official Syrian media has published a videotape showing a flash in the dark sky, saying that he "shows the response of aerial defenses to the bombing of the airport."

The director of the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights Rami Abdul Rahman said that "the bombing of missiles hit the airport and its surroundings near the city of Palmyra in the province Homs ", probably Israeli bombing, pointing out that he was targeting" Iranian fighters on the campus of the airport ". To the forces of order, without being able to determine the number.

hr. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last month, saying Damascus "Syria must understand that Israel will not allow an Iranian military cantonment in Damascus against Israel.

The military base of the army was attacked several times by Damascus, including rocket fire on April 9 that killed 14 soldiers, including seven Iranians, Moscow, Tehran and Damascus took responsibility for the attacks. raids.

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