Damascus reveals its approach to any foreign military presence in Syria without its consent


Syria reiterated its rejection of what it called "hostile US statements" aimed at keeping part of its troops on its territory, noting that it will deal with any foreign military presence without his consent (Syria) as a described aggression.

Syria's ambassador to the United Nations, Bashar al-Jaafari, said Syria was ready to cooperate with UN envoy Nay Pedersen to facilitate its mission to facilitate Syrian-Syrian dialogue. under the leadership and ownership of Syria. According to the agency "SANA".

Al-Jaafari said at a meeting of the Security Council on the situation in Syria that any political course does not take into account the continuation of the fight against terrorism and the end of the illegal foreign presence in Syria and that he maintains his unity, sovereignty and independence and his agendas and prerequisites for the work of the Constitution Review Committee are delaying the launch of his work.

Jaafari stressed that the Constitution and all that is related to it are strictly sovereign Syrians themselves and that the Syrian people has the exclusive right to determine the future of their country without outside interference.

Syria reiterates demand to end the illegal presence of foreign forces from the United States, France, Britain and Turkey on its territory and to resolve the so-called "international coalition" to put an end to the crimes of war committed, including the total destruction of the city of Al-Raqqa.

Emphasizing that his country rejects hostile US statements aimed at maintaining the presence of part of its troops on its territory "and will treat any foreign military presence without its consent, as described in the assault described herein -above".

"Any political course that does not take into account the continuation of the fight against terrorism and the end of the illegal foreign presence in Syria and the preservation of its unity, sovereignty and independence is unrealistic and unrealistic", said Jaafari.

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