Scientists believe that dead planets can send signals into space to capture them on Earth.
This unusual phenomenon means that the worlds capable of launching "massive and intense energy explosions" into space can be controlled by scientists on Earth.
Scientists now hope to be able to capture and listen to them, hoping to find the nuclei of these planets and learn more about the universe, according to the newspaper "The Independent".
Scientists are searching for planets orbiting stars that have caused their destruction and destruction.
The remaining nuclei of these planets can be seen in the universe and can stay there long enough to be discovered from Earth.
The technique used to observe the planet is based on a similar technique, which researchers used to find the first planet outside the solar system.
To discover one, scientists spotted radio waves emanating from their star, hoping to see "white dwarfs" by observing similar energy explosions.
Scientists needed to do more to determine how long nuclei could live after the disappearance of their outer layers and whether they would continue to transmit waves and signals in space.
Scientists have discovered that these nuclei can survive up to a billion years, which means that messages can last long enough to be discovered from Earth.
Researchers now hope to direct observatories to potential and potential dead planets and determine the nature of the signals they send.
"Nobody had yet found the nucleus of a great dead planet," said Dmitry Ferras, professor and senior professor at the University of Warwick.
He explained that the realization of such a thing can help research on the detection of the future of our solar system.
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