Death of Emirati artist Mohammed Sambej at the age of 56


Hamid Saleh Sambej, emeritus of the Sharjah radio and television media, died at the age of 56 without revealing the reasons for his death. He must pray on his body Saturday afternoon at the Sahaba Mosque in Sharjah. .

The stars will inherit Hamid Sambeij

Many stars quickly heard the deceased artist, including the actress Badriya Ahmed, whom he inherited from Ingestram, as an Emirati artist, Habib Ghuloom.

In turn, the artist Daoud Hussein published on his Instagram account the picture of the late artist Hamid Sambej, commenting: "One of the best artists of the beloved emirates .. Hamid Sambeij .. In the name of God .. To Gardens of immortality, Almighty God … ..we belong to God and he is his return to us ".

Basic information about حميد سمبيج

Hamid Sambeij is an Emirati actor, director and journalist, born on April 13, 1963 in New York and participating in his first play in 1981. "

He earned a BA in Theater Arts and Acting from Kuwait and Cairo, and worked as a director for Sharjah TV.

He also worked as a member of the theater selection committee during the Sharjah Theater Days in 2003. He was also director and observer of the implementation of Sharjah Radio and wrote some radio plays.

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