Democracy commemorates its 50th anniversary with a major political festival in Beirut


# Jubilee_Front of democracy

Khawaja: The Palestinian people resist all Arabs and are targeted by the US-Israel project

Qatati: Palestinian unity is the best response to the US project and Israeli practices

Muneeb: Whatever the United States tries to create imaginary conflicts, the Palestinian question will remain the compass of all Arabs

Cuba. We will not hesitate to offer all forms of support to your struggle for the victory and justice of the Palestinian cause

Venezuela: We salute the anniversary of your departure on behalf of President Maduro and we are brothers in the fight against imperialism and Zionism

Bashour: Deal of the Century Responds to Zionist Project in Palestine and the Arab World

Faisal: "Economic peace" is only an improved version of the Israeli project rejected by all our people

In a national and enthusiastic atmosphere, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Lebanon commemorated its 50th anniversary with a political festival held at the Resalat Hall in Beirut in the presence of Lebanese MP Mohamed Khawaja, Speaker of Parliament, Minister Mahmoud Qamati, Secretary General of the United Socialist Party in Morocco. Nabila Mounib, Ambassador of Palestine, Ashraf Dabour, Communications Advisor, Hassan Shashniyeh, Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ibrahim Sharara, Representative of the Director General of the Internal Security Forces, Second Lieutenant Adham Hatoum, Founding President of the Arab National Conference , Maan Bashour, and Minister Nicola Sahnawi. A group of leaders and representatives of Lebanese parties, Palestinian factions, representatives of federations, committees and popular organizations, as well as a large number of members and friends of the Democratic Front have attended the meeting, as well as members of the Political Bureau and the Central Committee, as well as members of the Lebanese leadership.
After a welcome address by comrade Jihad Suleiman, a minute of silence was observed to greet the martyrs On the occasion of the national songs of Palestine, the resistance, the martyrs, the prisoners and the Democratic Front and its secretary general Comrade Naif Hawatmeh, Naif Hawatmeh, asserting that the Palestinian people are resisting all Arabs also targeted by the American project and anxious to confront it first and then provide all forms of support to the Palestinian people , emphasizing its support for the recognition of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people in Lebanon.
MP Nabila Mounib conveyed greetings from the United Socialist Party to the Democratic Front and the Palestinian people: "The eyes of the Arabs are on you and you are facing the American project, no matter what the US administration is trying to create for To create imaginary conflicts in the region, the Palestinian question will remain the compass of all Arabs, and our country bears the historical responsibility of supporting the Palestinian people and resisting normalization.
* The speech of the resistance in Lebanon was delivered by the Minister Mahmoud Qamati, who in turn sent congratulations to the Democratic Front on the occasion of the anniversary of its launch, saying that the American project does not serves as the Zionist enemy and that all the living forces of our country must fight it in every way possible. He also said that Palestinian unity was the best response to the US plan and Israeli practices, stressing that Hezbollah would keep its promise to support the Palestinian people and their struggle for the defense of their national rights.
– Speech by the Cuban ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Moraga, who praised the democratic front and its resistance to the Israeli occupation and US imperialism, emphasizing that Cuba would always stand by the Palestinian people and their national rights and would not hesitate to provide all forms of support for the victory of their cause. The rights of the entire Palestinian people ..
* The coordinator of popular committees and associations and the founding leader of the Arab National Conference, Maan Bashour, also addressed the Democratic Front on the occasion of the anniversary of its launch, stressing that Deal of the Century "took full account of the Zionist project in Palestine and the Arab world. What is considered a stab in the back of the Arab and Palestinian struggle.
The Venezuelan Embassy in Beirut sent a message to the festival: In the name of the Venezuelan Bolivarian Revolution, President Maduro, the people and the Venezuelan army, and on behalf of Ambassador Jesus González , we congratulate you on the anniversary of the Golden Jubilee of the Democratic Front and we thank you for supporting our revolution. As President Maduro said, we are all Palestinians.
* With his greetings to the people and the resistance presented by the teams of the Palestinian Democratic Youth Union, Palestine was the word of the Democratic Front pronounced by a member of the political bureau, Comrade Ali Faisal, who started by to pay tribute to the martyrs of the Palestinian people and our Arab peoples and to the liberation movements of the world, to the prisoners and their families and to all the militants of our people, The Democratic Front, promising that the banner of the national program will remain on the way acquisition of national rights.
He also referred to political developments, saying that the Palestinian people were able to thwart the US-Israel project if their forces were invested, especially to rehabilitate the national project and treat it as a national project for a struggling national liberation movement. always to defeat the occupation, as well as the resulting settlement and Judaization. Historical responsibilities in terms of the need to take advantage of the weapon of national unity and the intifada and resistance and political partnership as a path of liberation and national salvation.
He stressed that the US administration was eager to promote his project and his latest efforts by Kouchner and Greenblatt in the region, which expose the lies and illusions of "economic peace", which It is nothing more than a new and expanded version of Netanyahu's plan to establish Greater Israel at the expense of the Palestinian national project. Independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the borders of 4 June 1967, under an autonomous and meager regime.
Faisal said: No one can decide the fate of the Palestinian people, who delivered his speech to the central and national councils. We therefore call for the implementation of the decisions of the people in terms of withdrawal of the recognition of Israel and the disengagement of the Oslo agreement and to put an end to the coordination of security and security. the cancellation of the economic agreement of Paris and the convening of an international conference making reference to the resolutions of the United Nations. And binding resolutions guaranteeing our people the right to establish their independent and sovereign State with Jerusalem as the capital at the border of 4 June 1967 and to resolve the problem of refugees within the framework of resolution 194.
Faisal addressed the issue of refugees by declaring that the gatherings of our people abroad were inscribed in the objectives of the American project because of the centrality of the struggle of our people in the framework of the national project, particularly with regard to the defense of the right of return, in order to facilitate the liquidation of the refugee question. And the right of return .. It is here that lies the importance of the return marches, which play a leading role in defending the right of return and the rights of Palestinians. A point of strength should not be underestimated.
He added that the improvement of the economic and humanitarian situation of the Palestinian people in Lebanon was having a positive impact on the various aspects of their lives, both by strengthening bilateral relations between the camps and their surroundings, or between Palestinian political forces and institutions of the Lebanese State. For economic and social reasons, and the treatment of these reasons is ultimately in the interest of stability in Lebanon and positive relations between the two brother peoples.
Faisal called on the Lebanese government to recognize the human rights of our people, in particular the right to work and property, to complete the reconstruction of the cold and to solve the problems of displaced Palestinians from Syria, in coordination with the government. UNRWA. He also called for improving the services and equity of his employees and continuing efforts to secure the budget this year and to protect themselves from US plans. National responsibility and addressing the problems of our people far from the repercussions of the division and development of common action formulas at the level of all central and local cadres.
* – During the festival, the Democratic Front honored a group of interlocutors in the fields of military, cultural, trade union, intellectual and social resistance by granting them the "Shield of Palestine and the Democratic Front". The laureates are: one of the personalities of independence in Morocco, Mohamed Ben Said, the general coordinator of the Association of People's Committees and Associations Maan Bashour, the wife of Shafiq al- Hout, writer, Dr. Bayan al-Hout, president of the Amel Foundation, Dr. Kamel Mohanna, martyr commander Ahmed Mustafa, fighter and researcher Sulaiman Ri Mohammed Khalil (Abu Saadou) ..
* – The "group back to folklore" of the Palestinian Democratic Youth Union has provided artistic links to the admiration of the audience who reacted to the applause.
* The leadership of the Democratic Front received congratulations from Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt, Lebanese Communist Party Secretary General Hanna Gharib, President of the Conference of Arab Parties Qassem Saleh, Secretary of the Central Committee oversight of popular committees in Lebanon, Abu Iyad Al Shaalan, Palestinian unions in Lebanon, Abu Yousef al-Adawi, in addition to congratulations from Lebanese parties, Palestinian factions, social institutions and national events.
Beirut on March 3, 2019

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