Dengue, an epidemic with thousands in Aden


Special – Evening Press Thousands of Adenis are struggling with dengue, a disease that has spread dramatically in recent years and has killed dozens of them, as hospitals are unable to save their lives in the world. silence of the coalition and the legitimate government.

Medical sources announced in the evening the appearance of a major dengue epidemic in the city of Aden threatening the city life, especially that of children and the elderly, indicating that the The epidemic spread in parallel with the expansion of sewers in streets and neighborhoods.

Sources believe that the epidemic in Aden is so horrible that it could accompany epidemics of other diseases such as malaria and cholera, even the Ebola virus, if the legitimate government continues to ignore it.

The city of Aden is witnessing the onset of dengue, due to the build-up of garbage, in its streets and the bursting of sewage, in defiance of the legitimate government of the country. 39; epidemic.

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