Determination of Alzheimer's Disease by Eye Examination


Determination of Alzheimer's Disease by Eye Examination

Tuesday, 6 Rajab 1440H – March 12, 2019

Early detection of Alzheimer's disease helps to connect the future of the patient (Archives – Middle East)

Washington: Middle East Online

Scientists have discovered that Alzheimer's disease can be detected by a simple eye test.
A new study, published in the journal Retina, indicates that "significant" differences in the retina of patients with Alzheimer's disease could be identified, paving the way for diagnosis by a simple eye examination before the disease. 39, appearance of the main symptoms.
Scientists at Duke University in North Carolina said that nonsurgical imaging, known as OCTA, allowed doctors to quickly examine blood flow in small capillaries at the back of the retina.
"We measure blood vessels that can not be seen during a normal eye examination, and we do this using a relatively new and extensive technique that takes high resolution images of very small retinal blood vessels." in just minutes, "said Sharon's senior author.
"These changes in blood vessel density in the retina may reflect what happens in the tiny blood vessels of the brain, perhaps before we can detect changes in perception," he said.
According to The Independent, the study was conducted on more than 200 people, photographed using OCTA technique, and found that 39 people had Alzheimer's disease and 37 d & # 39; 39, mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
One of the main objectives of the study was to identify retinal lesions directly related to Alzheimer's disease, independently of the general cognitive decline associated with age.
Further tests and clinical trials are needed before the diagnosis is available.
An early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease will not only help the patient and his family prepare for the future, but will also give them the opportunity to delay the onset of symptoms thanks to other medications and treatments already available .
Alzheimer's disease is hard to detect before going from a state of average memory loss to an obvious mental handicap.


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