Determine the date of destruction of the entire earth


Ammon – An international group of astronomers has traced the history of the migration of giant gaseous planets into the solar system, which occurred 4.48 billion years ago.

According to Science Alert, this suggests that the major asteroids that bombarded the Earth caused the melting and sterilization of the entire planet, and that the process could have been completed more quickly than the results of previous studies.

Scientists have devised a planetary migration model analyzing the chemical composition of ancient asteroids and moonstones. The ancient history of global migration was equivalent to 3.9 billion years, based on the analysis of moonstones collected by the Apollo mission. But this information may be distorted as a result of the meteorite collision with the moon. Considering all the ancient meteorites that have fallen on Earth, the history of intensive bombardment ends 4.38 billion years ago.

The continuous fall of asteroids and meteorites on Earth is the result of the restructuring of the solar system. Jupiter and Saturn migrated to the sun, Uranus and Neptune moved away. As a result of this process, a large group of comets, meteorites and primary asteroids was formed. Scientists believe that the Earth was formed 4.56 billion years ago. So it was during the first 100 million years that it melted because of the incessant bombardments. She has therefore created no conditions for the emergence of life. But only 4.4 billion years ago, some microbes could live in isolated ecosystems.

Lentaz Rowe

This article "Determination of the date of destruction of the whole territory" is adapted by BaladNews and we quote this site (Ammon News Agency). New

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