Diagnose diabetes by highlighting the skin in the near future


A study conducted in the Netherlands on the health of elderly patients showed that excretion of the skin could become a new test to determine if a person was at the beginning of diabetes or heart disease.

"This new approach is a sophisticated method of selecting people with health problems so that it becomes the simplest and fastest method of diagnosis, including blood tests and assessment of risk factors." risk such as the weight of the population and the genetic background of the disease, "said Dr. Bruce Wolfenburger, professor at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Explain that blood glucose and other body fluids can be randomly bound to many different molecules of the skin and other tissues.

The researchers studied approximately 70,000 participants free of diabetes and heart disease since the start of the study and, four years later, those with high levels of non-enzymatic glycosyl proteins at the start of the study were presenting high levels of risk.

Diabetes and heart disease.

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