Diamonds found 4.5 billion years


Diamonds found 4.5 billion years


Image of lava archive

A group of scientists, near the town of Gwen in Brazil, found 24 very old diamonds.

Scientists confirm that these gems have moved from the ground to the surface, thanks to the eruption of a volcano in the region.

The science journal, they said, testifies in large quantities, in a large tank at the bottom of the earth. These gems are about 4.5 billion years old, just like the age of the moon.

Scientists have yet to determine the exact location of this very old mine, as well as its size and the amount of stones it contains. Most likely, this "warehouse" is the oldest material of this type on Earth.

The first time that the existence of such an archaeological mine was mentioned goes back to the 1980s.

Geologists then noted that lava was exceptionally high in the isotope from helium 3 to helium 4 – as in the very old meteorites that fell to Earth.

Scientists have speculated that this lava could come from a deep underground place that has not changed since the formation of our planet.


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