Diaz waits for investigation of Fawaz al-Qarni


Diaz waits for the Fawaz Al-Qarni Al-Wasat poll The Al-Mawtaz newspaper, where we strive to associate your newspaper, distinguished and always sparkling between social networking sites to present you with all the events, latest news, "Arab and International" Diaz is waiting for an investigation on the tests of Fawaz Al-Qarni, Diaz is waiting for an investigation on the tests of Fawaz Al-Qarni and on the other level, we hope to get admiration of all and we want to impress our site to receive all the news and share news on social networking sites. Al-Ittihad goalkeeper Fawaz Al-Qarni has a natural wound on his injury during his stay at the Brigadier General's camp in Austria in preparation for the new season's competition.

Al-Ittihad pointed out that Fawaz Al-Qarni will receive, Tuesday, a medical examination to determine the moment of his absence from playing, suffering from a thigh injury.

Fawaz Al-Qarni suffered a thigh injury that prevented him from training at Al-Ittihad in recent days, prompting the medical device to perform medical tests for the Dean's guardian for determine his destiny.

The injury of the goalkeeper of the first football team in the club Fawaz al-Qarni Union, the accounts of the Argentine coach Ramon Diaz, as he sought to prepare well before the start of next season.

The first team of the football club prepares to face Al Wasl at the Arab Championships of the Arab League Championship on August 11, and to fight for the Crescent on the Super Championship in the UK on the 18th of the same year. month.

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Source: Al-Mawatin Newspaper

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