DICE Studio Director Says Cloud Computing Will Bring Big Changes to Shooter Games


During EA Play’s inaugural first session focused on the future of shooters, DICE CEO Oskar Gabrielson said that a major technical innovation that will enhance the experience of first-person shooters, such as their highly anticipated game, Battlefield 2042, is cloud computing. shooting games that this technology is expected to have a significant impact on this type of games in the future.

Oskar continued:

Cloud computing has really changed a bunch of other industries, and it’s barely affected games, so if you think of a game like Battlefield, we have things like AI in the game now and destruction and with the power of new home devices, we can transfer a lot of these ideas to computing that will allow us to do large scale computing was not feasible in the past to make the game at its best, but I think in a few years we will see the impact of this technology on shooting games, which will look much better.

When asked if cloud computing would affect the upcoming Battlefield 2042 game, Oskar smiled and said there was no comment, and it looks like the DICE team will present us with an unexpected surprise during this. game that will arrive to us next October, especially the 22 of the month on home devices and PCs.

It is reported that Battlefield 2042 will be present at the next EA Play Live event on July 22, and the new game mode and more details about the game will be revealed.

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