Did Beren Sat divorced her husband, singer Kenan Douglo?


All signs and signals indicate a formal and emotional separation between Turkish actress Beren Sat, the famous Bessemer, the heroine of forbidden love, Fatima and Sultanate Part 1, and her husband, Turkish pop singer Kenan Douglo, married in Los Angeles in 2014.

Several media have advanced the hypothesis that Perin was keen to commemorate his childhood friend and his first deceased lover, Efe, who was killed in a car accident many years ago, every year. , especially on February 26th. In her personal stories of social networking sites, her husband, Kinan Doglu, was angry and instigated to doubt that she still loves him for the day, thereby highlighting their differences, from As much as they failed in their attempts to give birth to children through industrial fertilization in Turkey and the United States.

Dr. Muhammed, emotional relations specialist on his own page to solve the problems of lovers, said that what Perin Sat was doing is very strange and that it is not accepted by many couples. Even though Kinan Doglu did, he was morally executed by thousands of people in social media. Respect for the partner, respect is essential to the success of any natural conjugal and emotional relationship.

One of the partners may have the impression that his marriage is difficult and that problems threaten his survival. One of the partners may have decided to end this tense marriage, so why not respect this relation with words, images or position?

Birin Sat publishes what confirms its separation

"I still live", for her 35th birthday in Innsbruck, wrote Beren Sat, a 35-year-old woman, a black and white picture with a tired face.

Some considered her speech, a sign of her secession, and struggled to overcome the separation crisis of her husband, Kinan Doglo.

Beren Sat in his first words after the divorce rumor

"I do not want to talk," she said at a press conference. "I do not want to talk," she said. "I do not want to talk."

She walked away from everyone insisting that she remain silent.

Perrin removed the alliance from his hand and we saw a severe depression of Pernes removing his wedding ring from his hand, thus confirming his divorce. Nobody has hidden from his acute depression. Birin Sat was shortly after her friend Esra Dermangioglu and her friend left the restaurant after a two-hour conversation before leaving the restaurant alone.

Esraa has not revealed anything to the press about her conversation with Perin and has not answered any questions about her friend Beren Sat's divorce.

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