Diet and do not lose weight, find out why


Calories indicate the amount of energy contained in foods and beverages, so the body needs calories to perform its functions, but their increase can lead to weight gain.

Diet and diet have become obsessive for all individuals, in addition to its many forms. In addition to choosing an exercise that does not suit your body and burn, sugary drinks or lack of sleep can be a key factor to not reach the desired weight, so we will take some of these reasons to avoid them and become healthier.

Calories are only a unit of measurement indicating the amount of energy contained in foods and beverages. The body needs calories to function, but an increase in calories can lead to weight gain, which can be identified and better balanced. Your body Here are some reasons why

Calories are only a unit of measurement indicating the amount of energy contained in foods and beverages. The body needs calories to function, but an increase in calories can lead to weight gain, which can be identified and better balanced. Your body
Here are some reasons why you should not lose weight:

1 – rely on sport without having to eat healthy

It is also important and necessary to follow a low calorie diet to get the desired weight, which involves burning more calories than you receive, regardless of the diet.

Exercise is a very effective way to lose weight and burn calories, but to lose weight significantly, you must combine exercise with fewer calories.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, exercise has a direct effect on weight loss, but not aerobic exercise alone. Aerobics exercises can lead to muscle building and burning fat, but because of the muscle weight on fat, weight loss will not occur.

Many researches have shown that sport alone is not likely to lead you to your goal.

2 – sweet drinks

It is known that sugary drinks are one of the most obese foods, so it is important to eat a lot of sugary drinks. Studies have shown that adding sugar to some diets allows you to gain weight, but some sugars do not hurt. Fruits, where you can not neglect any drink in your diet, are just sugary drinks, and in addition to their overweight, their multitude causes health problems, we are indispensable.

Unlike all other high-calorie foods, these drinks are unsatisfactory if you are hungry, and they provide the body with insufficient energy.

3. sleep

Incorrect sleep, excessive sleep, or lack of sleep all affect weight loss. Note that the body functions form a complete circle. If something goes wrong, the rest of the parties will be affected. Some studies have shown that sleeping for a few periods increases the risk of obesity. Diabetes and lack of sleep disrupt the body's ability to regulate hunger.

In a study of 472 obese adults, the time spent sleeping was an important indicator of the success of the intensive weight loss program, and stress, an important indicator.

4- Take away

The weight loss of things really difficult because it takes "iron will", requires more work and patience to see the results.

To lose weight, it is essential to maintain a calorie deficit through a healthy diet, a good sleep and a few snacks.

Also read: Not as you think .. The soda diet is worse than you expected

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