Discover 5 smart food exchanges for a healthy heart for life


Al Marsad Journal: Nutrition expert Ryan Fernando has revealed 5 smart exchanges you can follow to enjoy your favorite meals with a healthy twist so your heart health stays healthy, according to onlymyhealth.

1. Replace butter with vegetable oils
Eating butter-based foods on a daily basis can increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the body and increase the risk of heart disease.

2. Replace refined grains with whole wheat grains
Lack of fiber due to lack of bran in refined grains is associated with an increased risk of blood pressure, heart disease and increased cholesterol levels, in contrast, whole wheat grains that contain bran are high in fibers which help lower blood pressure, the risk of strokes and cholesterol levels, which leads to keep any heart problems.

3. Replace the sweet ice cream with fruit ice cream
It is always suggested that a heart patient consume as little sugar as possible or abstain from it altogether as part of their regular diet, as sugar consumption is linked to many cardiovascular diseases as it causes your body to secrete more. insulin, which causes increased blood sugar levels, which can lead to problems such as heart attacks and strokes.

4. Substitute walnuts for the chips
Since they are high in salt, potato chips can make your heart healthier by increasing blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which can lead to many heart conditions.

Instead of using those packaged chips, you can always go for roasted nuts which are a rich source of protein, nutrients, and healthy fats that help reduce the risk of heart attack.

5. Replace alcohol with fruit juice
Those who refrain from consuming any type of alcoholic beverages enjoy a healthy life. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, and in some cases heart failure.

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