Discover a simple way to search for your photos with the help of the new Google feature.
Some smartphone users are annoyed by the search and scrolling of 2567 images in the photo gallery to find the desired image, and thankfully, Google, "Google" US, a new feature of the Google Photos application "Google Photos".
With this feature, you can search for images that contain text to quickly find what you are looking for, and you can even copy and paste text anywhere else. Here's how to use this feature, according to the CNET technical website:
1. Open the Google Photos app.
2. Tap the search bar. Enter what you are looking for, for example, if you have done a screen capture in Google Maps of a coffee you want to try, type coffee or the company name.
3. Once Google has shown you the image, click on it.
4. Tap the "Google Lens" button at the bottom of the screen.
5. Google will highlight the text of the image and select the words you want to copy.
6. Click "Copy Text".
7. You can now paste the text wherever you want, as in the mail application or in the browser.
This news comes from: Echo Country
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