Discover a vulnerability via SMS to intercept Android emails.


The Check Point research team discovered a flaw in SMS that affected several Android phones.

The company's statement was revealed after the discovery of a loophole in Huawei, Samsung, LG and Sony phones, exploited by hackers to install custom settings via SMS, which allows them to intercept email in the target phones.

The attack was built using the general standard used by telecommunication service providers to provide metrics for new smartphones. The way the phone is targeted varies depending on the type and data available, such as a PIN code as well as the phone's identity or its cellular network identification number (IMSI).

Therefore, once the required information is available, the user is deceived by a message that appears in the form of a network configuration message.

Samsung sent an update to fill the void in the May update, followed by LG in a similar step last June. For Huawei, this problem has not yet been updated and could happen in the coming weeks or months.

Although Sony did not recognize the problem, it indicated that it complied with the standard specifications applicable to the provision of settings on all devices.

In general, the fact that you subscribe to Android phones and that the infection rate decreases after sending the update from Samsung is not a big problem, knowing that this problem can be avoided by ignoring this type of messages, as happens when you receive email spam.

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