Discover an unexpected space disaster


LIGO scientists announced for the first time in history the discovery of the first GCN 25324 gravitational wave source, a binary system composed of a black hole and a star at neutrons.

According to Science News, the black hole blew up the neutron star and swallowed its body parts.

The incident was detected on August 14, but in early April, the researchers noticed weak signs indicating that the black hole was approaching the neutron star. According to calculations, this operation would have occurred 900 million light years from Earth. Astronomers have managed to reduce the potential area of ​​the binary system in the sky to 23 square degrees (the apparent size of the moon is about half a degree).

According to astronomers' calculations, the lighter mass of the two bodies, considered 99% as a neutron star, is less than three times the mass of the Sun. The binary system consists of 99% of a black hole and a neutron star, or less than 1%, of two black holes or a pair of neutron stars.

Source: Linta. Ru

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