Discover the 5 most popular space stories of the week


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Thanks for reading Tech News: Check out the 5 most popular space stories of the week and describe them in detail.

Cairo – By Mohamed Salah – There are many details about the space every hour of the day. This is one of the major concerns of the world at the time. This is perhaps the most famous space story of this week that uncovered the collision of Jupiter, a young planet, and the problems of future spacecraft. Top 5 stories, according to the website of the American Space.

NASA technology

ExoMars has problems with the parachute attached to itThe ExoMars spacecraft team continues to troubleshoot the design of the red planet's parachute, which could delay the launch of 2020.


Dust of ancient stars discovered in AntarcticaThe researchers discovered for the first time new interstellar dust, created by supernovae, asteroids and broken comets, discovered by the Antarctic ice. Asteroid collision between Jupiter and a young planetJupiter shows signs that a young planet was shocked ten times larger than Earth about 4.5 billion years ago. The black hole in the center of our galaxy can be active

In the center of the Milky Way is a black hole that has become more active recently. Although black holes do not emit light because of their enormous weight, the cloud of material around its edges can become brighter when there is more friction around the black hole. Recently disclosed.

New NASA interplanetary technology tested at Death ValleyThe NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory was originally created for the LEMUR mechanical flight robot to perform repair work on the International Space Station, but this concept can help propel what is possible for robots on Mars or on distant moons around other solar system planets, which have been tested. Recently I was born in California.


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