Al-Marsad Journal: The benefits of bathing are numerous, both for physical and mental health. However, taking a certain type of shower can be harmful to your brain and heart health.
There are different ways to bathe and each offers unique health benefits, and research is increasingly pointing to the benefits of cold showers, for example.
Reduced blood pressure
Most people choose to shower with hot steam, which usually involves running the hot water, which in turn leads to a thick cloud of steam filling the bathroom, according to Russia Today.
Steam offers a range of health benefits, such as promoting blood circulation and relieving stress. However, this method comes with hidden health risks.
“The steam from a shower can make you dizzy and dizzy,” explained Abbas Kinani, pharmacist at Chemist Click.
He explained that this happens because “the body’s response to its high temperature is to transfer blood to the surface of the skin to cool it before returning it back inside.”
Feeling light-headed and light-headed can be a telltale sign that the vapor is causing a drop in blood pressure.
According to the Mayo Clinic, “A sharp drop in blood pressure can deprive your body of enough oxygen to function, which can damage your heart and brain.”
The perfect way to take a shower
There is a growing body of evidence in favor of cold showers. Research published in the journal PLoS One suggests that a cold bath can help prevent disease.
The aim of the study was to determine the cumulative effect of routine cold showers on illness, quality of life and productivity at work.
To assess the effect of cold showers, sick days and absences from work were recorded. Quality of life, work productivity, anxiety, heat sensitivity, and side effects were also monitored.
The researchers concluded that “routine baths (switching from hot to cold water) resulted in a statistical decrease in self-reported illness absences, but not sick days in adults without severe co-morbidities.”
What are the health effects of taking a shower every day?
According to Harvard Health, normal, healthy skin maintains an oil layer and a balance of “good” bacteria and other microorganisms, and “washes and scrubs take away these properties, especially if the water is hot.” the skin may become dry, itchy, or itchy. Dry, cracked skin can allow bacteria and allergens to pass through the barrier the skin is supposed to provide, allowing skin infections and allergic reactions to occur.
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