Discover the moment of the appearance of Mars in the UAE today and how to look at it


The Director of the International Astronomy Center revealed that Mars can be seen today in the UAE skies, after sunset and dark, pointing out that Mars will be at the meeting today too, after sunset and darkness. The sky and the sun are on the opposite sides of the sky, so the phenomenon is called the opposite. In the east, and the planet remains the time of the meeting in the night sky until it misses the other day of the sunrise the next day, noting that the characteristic the The most important of the encounter phenomenon is that the planet is as close as possible to the Earth, which means that it is then the largest and most brilliant possible. The best time to observe the planet is that the features and phenomena of the planet are as clear as possible and that scientists and astronomers have the opportunity to conduct various studies and observations on the planet. For the Earth, but because the orbits of the planets are oval and non-circular, "There will sometimes be a difference of a few days between the encounter and the closest distance between the planet and the Earth."

He reports that Mars will meet today "Friday, July 27", but the closest distance will be Tuesday, July 31. Between them 58 million km, pointing out that corresponding Mars occurs every two years, and following the oval orbits, the closest distance between Mars and Earth differ from one to the other! This is the best since 2003.

The world attends "the evening of the day" Friday night Saturday "the longest total eclipse of the moon in the 21st century (2001-2100), where the total eclipse of the 39; hour and 42 minutes and 57 seconds, and will be The Arab world, especially the eastern region of the world's best regions to observe the eclipse, where the eclipse will be fully visible from this region.

The moon will enter the shadows at 21:15 pm from the United Arab Emirates, and will begin partial eclipse at 22:24, total eclipse at 23:30, and the eclipse will reach its peak at 22:22 on Saturday, UAE time and time. 39; total eclipse will end at 12:12, while the partial eclipse will end at 2:19 in the morning, and the moon will emerge from the semi-shaded area and the eclipse will end completely at 3:29 Saturday.


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