According to researchers, diamond stocks have remained near the axis of the Earth for more than 4.5 billion years, before the formation of the moon, but have surfaced as a result of the earthquake. a violent volcanic eruption in the region of Joena in Brazil, according to the newspaper "The Independent".
A group of international scientists has measured helium isotopes, various atomic forms of helium, in diamonds discovered in search of a rocky area as old as Earth, according to a study published in the Science magazine.
It should be noted that more than 1365 pieces of diamonds have been found from this area near the axis and the heart of the earth.
The researchers said the diamonds were an "ideal time capsule" allowing them to better understand the period of turbulence that followed the formation of the planet, especially because it contained a fossilized liquid.
During this period, there was so much geological activity that there was nothing left of the original structure of the Earth.
However, despite all this change, it has long been suspected that there is an area of the "mantle" somewhere between the "crust" and the heart of the earth, which was relatively agitated and of which there was present) no trace.
However, early clues emerged in the 1980s when scientists noticed that some basaltic lavas from certain sites, such as the Brazilian site of Joina, contained a report of helium 3 isotopes on the planet. 39, helium 4 higher than normal.
What is particularly interesting, is that this report reflects the proportion of isotopes on the first meteorites that crashed on Earth, suggesting that the source of this lava is a deep region of the Earth that has not changed for billions of years.
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